Frankincense Myrrh Frank 'N Myrrh  Spell Aromatherapy Spray for space clearing, open psychic powers, meditation rebalancing energy

Frankincense Myrrh Frank 'N Myrrh Spell Aromatherapy Spray for space clearing, open psychic powers, meditation rebalancing energy


1 oz

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Scent your room or space with these lovely Frankincense and Myrrh Palm Room Spray. Meditative and highly effectively these tarts are great for opening psychic awareness as well as space clearing and balancing one's energy. Just spray it around your room sheets or linens and you can feel the difference. Great spray if you are not one to burn resin or candles... a great alternative to add to your collection

Your choice of 1 oz or 2 oz Spray. This is for a room spray.



  • 1 oz